Michael Williams

Landscape + Irrigation Designer

Introducing Michael Williams, affectionately known as “Mikey” within the vibrant community of Stack Rock Group. Beyond his professional role, Mikey’s life revolves around two cherished companions: his girlfriend, Hannah, and their faithful canine sidekick, Theo. Together, they form the inseparable “Theo Trio,” exploring life’s adventures in unison.

An avid outdoors enthusiast, Mikey thrives amidst the grandeur of nature. His passions include conquering hiking trails, carving through snowy slopes on skis, embarking on rugged backpacking journeys, and navigating the exhilarating rapids of river rafting. In the Stack Rock Group family, he assumes the pivotal role of the expert navigator during our exhilarating company hikes to the iconic Stack Rock in Boise.

Mikey’s journey to becoming a landscape architect is a testament to his dedication. He honed his expertise by studying landscape architecture at the esteemed University of Idaho, where he cultivated the skills that would later define his career. As one of the first members of the Stack Rock Group team, Mikey has played an integral role in the firm’s evolution.

Within Stack Rock Group, Mikey shines as our master irrigation designer, where his genius harmonizes with the natural world. His creative solutions not only nurture landscapes but also reflect his deep-rooted respect for the environment.

In every sense, Michael Williams epitomizes the spirit of Stack Rock Group—passionate, adventurous, and dedicated to creating outdoor spaces that seamlessly blend aesthetics and sustainability. With Mikey at the helm of our irrigation designs, we continue to elevate the landscapes we touch, ensuring they thrive for generations to come.